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Book Signing: Leslie C. Glass

Join us for a book signing with Leslie C. Glass, author and licensed clinical social worker and couples/family therapist!

About the Book

As large women in America, we spend our entire lives consuming information that sends the message-sometimes subtle, but often harsh and unkind-that we are not valued. As a result, we often internalize these messages as negative beliefs about ourselves and begin to treat ourselves accordingly . . . settling for less than we deserve in every aspect of our lives. This book is the beginning of a conversation about how we get here, and what we can do to reclaim a sense of personal power in how we live. It is the large woman's road map for a lifelong journey of well being that is derived from the knowledge that living well is our fundamental right.

Inside, you will find everything that you need to begin to tear up the narrative that large women deserve substandard treatment and to replace it with a renewed sense of your own worth. What you will NOT find is a single sentence that suggests that you need to change anything about your body in order to live a full and satisfying life. Come and join the revolution!


About the Author

Leslie C. Glass is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and couples and family therapist (MFT) with 26 years of experience working in the mental health field. Since 2007, she has owned and operated a private psychotherapy practice in Philadelphia, PA, specializing in providing therapeutic support for the LGBTQ+ and ethnic minority communities, and in the treatment of trauma-related disorders. She is also currently building a niche and specialty around clinical work with women who live in large bodies.

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Fall for the Arts