Come into the shop this Saturday to get a signed copy of one of Mrs. Talona R Coleman’s books, I am Important and You Matter!
About the Books
I Am Important was written to empower, inspire, encourage, and to offer hope to children of all ages. It resonates the message of the importance of acceptance of self as well as others. We each were created differently; which makes us unique and important! God has perfectly designed each of us with purpose; and illuminates beauty and creativity within all. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14). It is a reminder to all children that they can do anything, and become whoever they want to be (Philippians 4:13). This book teaches that as we learn to love ourselves, we can willingly express and show love, empathy, and compassion to others in spite of our differences. It also conveys that when we accept one another; we have made the choice to demonstrate love; and Jesus Christ is glorified! This is a vivid reminder that Jesus will always love us because he is the Creator of us and our diversity!
As a bonus, a daily affirmation, an interactive song, a word build, and suggestions on how to teach children acceptance is included in this book. These learning tools may be used to assist parents, guardians, and educators as they teach valuable lessons on acceptance. As we teach the younger generation the importance of acceptance; this will empower them to cultivate love in the world in which they live!
You Matter was written to empower, inspire, encourage, and to offer hope to children of all ages. This book reassures them that they are important and worthy! It resonates the message of the importance of children understanding and knowing their self-worth! This book is a reminder to all children that because God created them with purpose and potential; their worthiness comes from the Lord and not others! It helps them to understand that when they put their trust in the Lord, they are blessed (Jeremiah 17:7). As children learn to trust the Lord; they can then begin to understand that God has great plans for their lives (Jeremiah 29:11). The chatter of others may try to discourage them; but even with their flaws, God sees them as perfect! God is busy molding us and shaping us to be perfectly flawed. No we are not perfect but God is shaping us to be used for HIS PURPOSE and GLORY!
As a bonus, a "You Matter" affirmation melody, an interactive song, a word build, scripture references, and suggestions on how to teach children self worth is included in this book.These learning tools may be used to assist parents, grandparents, guardians, and educators as they teach valuable lessons on self worth. As we teach the younger generation the importance of self worth; this will empower them to embrace self love, and extend that same love to the world which they live!